Pfister VB8-340A Thermostatic Valve Body With Stops

The Pfister VB8-340A Thermostatic Valve Body With Stops is no longer available from AffordableFaucets.

Regrettably, we do not have any inventory left nor have access to this product as it is discontinued. Please note that we place this message on products that we have exhausted our options in obtaining. Contacting us will only reaffirm this message.

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AffordableFaucets Staff

Pfister VB8-340A Thermostatic Valve Body With Stops

Valve only, stops, test plug

Also Known As:
VB8 340A

  • 038877527641 UPC/EAN:
Note: Specifications and pricing of the Pfister VB8-340A Thermostatic Valve Body With Stops subject to change without notice. Illustrations and descriptions of the Pfister VB8-340A do not claim to be complete or exhaustive.